Green Mug
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Drink your favorite beverage in style with this attractive TripleClicks Green Mug. Features the TripleClicks logo and "" printed on front. Dishwasher safe.
Drink your favorite beverage in style with this attractive TripleClicks Green Mug. Features the TripleClicks logo and "" printed on front. Dishwasher safe.
4.54 13
7.25 USD InStock

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Must Read Post

 must-read post
 contains great tip

Did the caption called your attention? 

Hello everyone, hope your all having great evening or morning!

So today I wanted to talk about everything that happened in the month of July.
After months of my sleeping beauties they are slowly waking up and starting to work in their businesses and reading their launchpad lessons. How exciting is that? I know I am super happy and so excited!

But do you know how and why is this happening? 
Because I didn't give up on any of my team members, and I keept sending E-Cards of each changes in SFI, kept reminding them what an amazing opportunity they are letting to slip out of the tips of their fingers. I kept sending the new updates and how great the New Comp Plan was. Let them know that now is the time to wake up and work harder, that now isn't the time to go into the deep sleep or keep being asleep. 

I didn't throw the towel and said I am discouraged and tired, I didn't quit that easily.
Having an inactive members shouldn't be the reason to quit, instead keep working on recruiting new members but also keep working on waking up your sleeping beauties. 

Here is why you shouldn't give up your hopes in your sleeping beauties and your business.
For a simple reason that they are still in your genealogy downline report and they didn't opted out of their SFI business account. This only means that they are still interested and it gives me hope that one day they are thinking about coming back online and work. They are only waiting for that right time when their ready. 

I am blessed and grateful to have such an amazing working Team Leaders in my team, and I am so proud of them all. I love helping and showing support to my team. I don't only consider them a part of my team but I also have made an amazing friendship, I consider them as part of my family. Wish they would all know how much I appreciate every each one of them.

This month I have been working so hard to recruit members into my team.
Today I got 23 PSAs/POS, from which 50% went to my DDs and and another 5 members to my EA member. 
One of the reasons why I love having my own personal advertising FB group.
My Methods of recruiting are:
Facebook Groups where they allow to advertise your business for free and all has over 10K and up of members.
My personal advertising FB group that I created myself.

From the traffic sites:
TrafficSwirl this one you might check on it as it comes with promo code for free credits as a sign up bonus.
SocialSurf4U this one also comes with promo code. 
I suggest you read and learn the terms of service and privecy policy first and learn how to use the sites.

I am using other sites also, but I'll let you all know on how the others going after I see any results from them.
But so far only the above has given great results.

I also get so excited to see my scoreboard and the percentage of advancement:

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