Green Mug
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ TripleClicks Green Mug— $7.25 (Save 27%!)
Drink your favorite beverage in style with this attractive TripleClicks Green Mug. Features the TripleClicks logo and "" printed on front. Dishwasher safe.
Drink your favorite beverage in style with this attractive TripleClicks Green Mug. Features the TripleClicks logo and "" printed on front. Dishwasher safe.
4.54 13
7.25 USD InStock

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Forum Post containing Great Tip

 contains great tip
Hello Donald-

I have found facebook very agreeable as of late. It asked me if I wanted to place jobs wanted ad in their new format in jobs. So I posted wanted team affiliates with a brief description and I could ask qualifying questions. I had five replies in the first week as it reached out 100 miles around me. I also posted for online shoppers and rewardical members with a brief description. I gained a team member, a PRM, and 2 triple-clicks members all of which I need in the area to promote stores and use it as a recruiting tool for future stores. I have also posted on their marketplace system with no issues. I have a facebook fan page and also share it to my timeline as well as posting on my timeline. The only thing I don't promote directly is SFI links, I do that in a reply with a virtual business card and my 90-day sfi site.

The only issue I have is trying to describe the SFI opportunity in less than a paragraph without confusing them as there are so many opportunities. Then posting in work at home groups everyone calls it a scam when they are jumping on the scam opportunities ignoring a 20-year-old company with its excellent ratings for a promise of $500 a day. 

Like they say if it is too good to be true it is and they come back asking for more details. I tell them it is going to take work there is no magical money tree to rattle and have it rain down riches.


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