Jun 12 (4 days ago)
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Greetings, SFI Sponsors!
Welcome to our monthly newsletter focusing on how to be an awesome SFI sponsor
and create income duplication for yourself and your growing team. Each month,
we'll cover a couple of sponsoring tips for you to review and put into practice.
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DO #1
DO review "The Plan" at https://www.sfimg.com/the_plan for reaching the rank of
Diamond Team Leader and maximizing your success and income with SFI.
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DO #2:
DO follow these powerful ways to encourage your PSAs and CSAs to become EAs
so they can begin to grow their own teams and create duplication:
The Designated Diamonds (DD) program is directly aligned with THE PLAN
(https://www.sfimg.com/the_ plan)--and facilitates your advancement all the way to
Diamond Team Leader...but it's first big benefit is that it can greatly help you generate
and maintain EAs. The DD program formalizes the process of serious PSAs working
together with SFI leaders towards the mutual goal of becoming a Diamond Team
Leader by putting the power of Opti-Build to work for qualified Affiliates.
Learn more about the DD program:
https://www.sfimg.com/Support/ Solution?id=215366
If you're serious about being a Team Leader, this is one of THE most powerful tools
you have at your disposal...and it's so easy to use, too! Yes, if you're looking for ways
to have large numbers of EAs every month, this is the tool! We've even laid out the
exact strategies for you to use here:
https://www.sfimg.com/Support/ Solution?catid=26444&id=215051
Note that SFI notifies all of your recipients when you reassign a CSA to them so
they'll know who the wonderful person is helping them build their team. AND, we
let them know during the last week of any month where they've not yet met the
requirements for the rank of EA--informing them of the impending forfeiture of all
of their CSAs if they don't act quickly to re-qualify.
Having contests for your PSAs each month is another good way to ensure EAs.
Easily create contests using your Leadership Page at:
https://www.sfimg.com/ Resources/LeadershipManager? tab=rewards
One more thing...
We crank out a LOT of information throughout the year, so it's understandable that
you may occasionally miss some "nuggets" that could be very valuable in generating
EAs on a regular basis. So, it's important that you regularly stop by the SFI Forum,
the news blog, and your Alerts tab to stay abreast of program improvements and
Finally, be sure you're always being an Awesome Sponsor as spelled out here:
https://www.sfimg.com/Support/ Solution?id=191295
============================== ====
DON'T waste your time on skeptics and non-motivated people. You and SFI can only
provide the track for them to run on. You cannot drag people across the finish line.
They have to want it for themselves. Always focus on the workers.
Way too many people focus on QUANTITY. They sponsor dozens, even hundreds of
affiliates--which is great--but it is ultimately QUALITY that is the real key. Once you've
found or developed 3-5 topnotch affiliates, you're going to see a lot of great things
happen with your commission check.
How do you develop quality affiliates? It's real simple:
When you see people who are working SFI in your group, work with them!
Tip: You can easily locate these people by checking your "My Movers" list on your
SFI homepage daily. Support them closely, and train them to do the things you do
so that you are creating duplication and maximum leverage.
It's of course more natural for us to let the workers in our group just do their own
thing. After all, they got active without you even telling them to, they're already
sponsoring new affiliates, referring TC members, etc. They don't need your help
or support--or so you think.
Meanwhile, you're spending all your time trying to get the people who obviously
don't "get it" to do something. As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water
but you can't make it drink—yet you continue to try.
You need to know that this is exactly the opposite of what you should be doing to
build a successful business. I'm not saying you shouldn't follow up with those who
don't immediately get active with SFI. You should. But don't spend ALL or even the
majority of your time with this. And DEFINITELY DO NOT IGNORE your workers!
Indeed, the way you create those 3-5 "top-gun" affiliates that you need is by treating
If you're not in touch with your best, hardest-working affiliates at least every week
(email, phone calls, chatroom, or whatever), I'm sorry, but you're trying to win a race
with a car that only has one wheel!
How many affiliates will you have to go through to find your top guns? That's of
course difficult to say. What I can tell you though is that they're out there (or are
ALREADY in your group), and you'll develop them so long as you deny your natural
instincts and apply the proper focus (work with the workers!).
Just like in a deck of playing cards, you KNOW there are four aces. If you start
working your way through the deck, the first ace may not come up for a while,
but eventually it will so long as you keep going through the deck. And if you don't quit,
you'll eventually locate FOUR aces. It's the very same principle with SFI;
the aces are there.
Keep sponsoring affiliates, work with your workers, and success will happen.
Tip: Don't waste time on skeptics or pessimists. They will NOT succeed in SFI or
any other similar endeavor. They do not possess the qualities of a winner
(this includes "rocking-chair advisors" who talk and talk, seem to know all the answers,
but never act).
"Eagles don't flock--you have to find them one at a time."
--H. Ross Perot
------------------------------ ------------------------------
1. Stop by the LaunchPad index for specific lessons on team building and SFI
https://www.sfimg.com/ LaunchPad/
2. For the complete "Be An Awesome Sponsor" list of DOs and DON'Ts, go to:
https:// www.sfimg.com/Training/ AwesomeSponsor
3. Check out the Sponsorship training section for resources, articles, how-to's,
and more on effective team building and leadership:
https://www.sfimg.com/ Training/SponsoringTraining
4. You can also find lots of help, tips, and advice--as well as ask questions and get
answers--from fellow Affiliates at the SFI Forum:
...including these SFI Forum "Great Questions" you'll want to check out:
What's a good strategy to attain Team Leader status every month?
https://www.sfimg.com/forum/ thread?id=115207
What kind of people make good SFI affiliates?
https://www.sfimg.com/forum/ thread?id=93700
What are some new ways to motivate your PSAs?
https://www.sfimg.com/forum/ thread?id=93711
______________________________ ________________________
Don't forget that you can further fuel the growth of your team with
PSAs To Go--brand new SFI affiliate sign-ups for your first level...delivered normally
in just 5 days or less!
https://www.tripleclicks.com/ detail.php?item=344064
Get your PSAs at Pricebenders Auctions--often for just pennies on the dollar!
See the auction schedules at:
http://www.tripleclicks.com/ indexAuctions.php
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Welcome to our monthly newsletter focusing on how to be an awesome SFI sponsor
and create income duplication for yourself and your growing team. Each month,
we'll cover a couple of sponsoring tips for you to review and put into practice.
DO #1
DO review "The Plan" at https://www.sfimg.com/the_plan for reaching the rank of
Diamond Team Leader and maximizing your success and income with SFI.
DO #2:
DO follow these powerful ways to encourage your PSAs and CSAs to become EAs
so they can begin to grow their own teams and create duplication:
The Designated Diamonds (DD) program is directly aligned with THE PLAN
Diamond Team Leader...but it's first big benefit is that it can greatly help you generate
and maintain EAs. The DD program formalizes the process of serious PSAs working
together with SFI leaders towards the mutual goal of becoming a Diamond Team
Leader by putting the power of Opti-Build to work for qualified Affiliates.
Learn more about the DD program:
If you're serious about being a Team Leader, this is one of THE most powerful tools
you have at your disposal...and it's so easy to use, too! Yes, if you're looking for ways
to have large numbers of EAs every month, this is the tool! We've even laid out the
exact strategies for you to use here:
Note that SFI notifies all of your recipients when you reassign a CSA to them so
they'll know who the wonderful person is helping them build their team. AND, we
let them know during the last week of any month where they've not yet met the
requirements for the rank of EA--informing them of the impending forfeiture of all
of their CSAs if they don't act quickly to re-qualify.
Having contests for your PSAs each month is another good way to ensure EAs.
Easily create contests using your Leadership Page at:
One more thing...
We crank out a LOT of information throughout the year, so it's understandable that
you may occasionally miss some "nuggets" that could be very valuable in generating
EAs on a regular basis. So, it's important that you regularly stop by the SFI Forum,
the news blog, and your Alerts tab to stay abreast of program improvements and
Finally, be sure you're always being an Awesome Sponsor as spelled out here:
DON'T waste your time on skeptics and non-motivated people. You and SFI can only
provide the track for them to run on. You cannot drag people across the finish line.
They have to want it for themselves. Always focus on the workers.
Way too many people focus on QUANTITY. They sponsor dozens, even hundreds of
affiliates--which is great--but it is ultimately QUALITY that is the real key. Once you've
found or developed 3-5 topnotch affiliates, you're going to see a lot of great things
happen with your commission check.
How do you develop quality affiliates? It's real simple:
When you see people who are working SFI in your group, work with them!
Tip: You can easily locate these people by checking your "My Movers" list on your
SFI homepage daily. Support them closely, and train them to do the things you do
so that you are creating duplication and maximum leverage.
It's of course more natural for us to let the workers in our group just do their own
thing. After all, they got active without you even telling them to, they're already
sponsoring new affiliates, referring TC members, etc. They don't need your help
or support--or so you think.
Meanwhile, you're spending all your time trying to get the people who obviously
don't "get it" to do something. As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water
but you can't make it drink—yet you continue to try.
You need to know that this is exactly the opposite of what you should be doing to
build a successful business. I'm not saying you shouldn't follow up with those who
don't immediately get active with SFI. You should. But don't spend ALL or even the
majority of your time with this. And DEFINITELY DO NOT IGNORE your workers!
Indeed, the way you create those 3-5 "top-gun" affiliates that you need is by treating
If you're not in touch with your best, hardest-working affiliates at least every week
(email, phone calls, chatroom, or whatever), I'm sorry, but you're trying to win a race
with a car that only has one wheel!
How many affiliates will you have to go through to find your top guns? That's of
course difficult to say. What I can tell you though is that they're out there (or are
ALREADY in your group), and you'll develop them so long as you deny your natural
instincts and apply the proper focus (work with the workers!).
Just like in a deck of playing cards, you KNOW there are four aces. If you start
working your way through the deck, the first ace may not come up for a while,
but eventually it will so long as you keep going through the deck. And if you don't quit,
you'll eventually locate FOUR aces. It's the very same principle with SFI;
the aces are there.
Keep sponsoring affiliates, work with your workers, and success will happen.
Tip: Don't waste time on skeptics or pessimists. They will NOT succeed in SFI or
any other similar endeavor. They do not possess the qualities of a winner
(this includes "rocking-chair advisors" who talk and talk, seem to know all the answers,
but never act).
"Eagles don't flock--you have to find them one at a time."
--H. Ross Perot
1. Stop by the LaunchPad index for specific lessons on team building and SFI
2. For the complete "Be An Awesome Sponsor" list of DOs and DON'Ts, go to:
https:// www.sfimg.com/Training/
3. Check out the Sponsorship training section for resources, articles, how-to's,
and more on effective team building and leadership:
4. You can also find lots of help, tips, and advice--as well as ask questions and get
answers--from fellow Affiliates at the SFI Forum:
...including these SFI Forum "Great Questions" you'll want to check out:
What's a good strategy to attain Team Leader status every month?
What kind of people make good SFI affiliates?
What are some new ways to motivate your PSAs?
Don't forget that you can further fuel the growth of your team with
PSAs To Go--brand new SFI affiliate sign-ups for your first level...delivered normally
in just 5 days or less!
Get your PSAs at Pricebenders Auctions--often for just pennies on the dollar!
See the auction schedules at:
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